Read Screen Time Guideline For Babies And Toddlers

various studies, it is said that a baby's brain development happens in the first 2 years of life. Therefore, Best Day Care in Noida believes that it's so important for babies and toddlers to explore more and experience many sights, sounds, tastes, andtextures. Interacting with other children helps a child to learn about the world around them.Today children are spending more amount of time in front of a screen. Yes, it is tough to keep toddlers away from all the TVs, tablets, computers, smartphones, and gaming systems but as a parent, you have to set some rules. Screens are everywhere and your little one is going to spend some time looking at one. So, let be that his or her screen time is as productive as possible.

How Much Is Too Much?

Babies less than 18 months have no screen time at all. The exception is video chatting with grandparents or other family friends. Toddlers of 18 months to 24 months can start to enjoy some screen time with a parent or caregiver. By the age of 2 and 3, kids should watch no more than 1 hour a day.
You should remember that no all screen time is created equal. For example, you and your baby can play color or shape games on a tablet or watch a high-quality educational program together is considered good screen time. Making your toddler sit down in front of the TV to watch favorite shows with you is an example of bad screen time.
If you want to make use of screens then take it as a chance to interact with your child and teach them about the world. Don't let your child spend time alone just staring at a screen.

Problems Children Face With Screens
Although electronics may help your child to grow more but too much screen time isn't good for kids. As your child grows, keep in mind that too much or poor quality screen time linked to:
              Irregular sleep schedules
              Less time for play
              Behavioral problems
              Loss of social skills

Screen Time Tips

Some parenting rules apply to screen time. Set a good example and establish limits, and talk with your child about it. To make your toddler's screen time more productive follow these tips:
              Sit along with young kids during screen time and interact with them
You can play an educational game with your child or talk about something you see together in a child-friendly TV show or video.
              Search about apps before getting them for your child
There are thousands of apps and games that claim to be educational but actually are not. Search online and see the content of the app. Look for the best educator app which can be best for your child. Protect kids by using parental control that allows you to monitor what your children are viewing online
              Don’t forget to schedule plenty of non-screen time into your child's day
Kids easily grow dependent on technology.  Encourage your child to do activities that don't involve screens. Unstructured playtime is also important for building creativity in young children. You need to plan a time to play away from screens every day. Family meals and bedtimes are also important times to interact with your child without involving screens.
Today’s kids are tech-savvy and most of them know more about electronics than adults do and yes it’s true. Therefore it's essential to stay up-to-date on the latest cell phone app or the newest social media craze.  You can't teach your child about internet risks unless you understand them properly. You need to understand it and learn about electronics and how they're affecting children.


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